Thanks for connecting with Richard Zacharias at Madison Environmental Resourcing, Inc. (MERI).

Let me know if you ever have any questions about the proper disposal of infectious, hazardous or universal waste. I’ve been in this business a long time!

MERI was formed more than 35 years ago by three major hospitals in Madison, WI. Our goal is to save our customers money on medical waste disposal so that they can focus financial resources on patient care.

Other MERI resources you might find helpful include:

– Bi-annual RCRA/DOT Certification Training
– Informative monthly blogs at
– Mailback kits for infusion patients or for businesses that produce a small quantity of infectious waste

If I can ever be of service – or give you an idea of how much you can save money on infectious or hazardous waste disposal – give me a call at (608) 220-8004, reach out to me on LinkedIn, or just drop me a line at

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Richard Zacharias