The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsors this annual nationwide drug take back event twice a year, encouraging the public to turn in unneeded medications for safe disposal, ideally preventing prescription drug misuse and, in particular, opioid addictions from developing.
Improper sharps disposal also puts us all at risk. Needles are hastily thrown in the trash, exposing others to needle pokes, while flushing needles wreaks havoc on the environment.
Add Sharps Collection To Drug Take Back Day
MERI offers all-encompassing sharps collection services to make the most of these national drug take back events. In addition, MERI will assist with distributing sharps disposal containers to residents for future safe needle collection and sharps waste pickup at the end of the day from your community.
All it takes is a little coordination. Here in Wisconsin, through donations and fundraising, the communities of Waunakee and Stoughton have enlisted MERI’s sharps collection during Drug Takeback Day.
Keep Your Community Safe
The impact of adequate medical waste disposal is universal. For example, Wisconsin collected 57,377 pounds of unused and expired medication during the previous Drug Take Back Day in October 2021. Additionally, MERI collected 619 pounds of sharps waste in the communities of Stoughton and Waunakee during the Fall drug take back event.
On a local level, residents will know they have protection from hazardous needle pokes in their homes or public spaces. Moreover, reducing environmental waste pollution cements sharps collection as an investment in our future. Therefore, collecting needles and unneeded medication at the same time provides a convenient safety measure for your community.