Do you have a generator's agent authorization letter on file with your medical waste hauler? What is a Generator's Agent Authorization Letter? An Agent Authorization Letter is a document signed by the generator, giving a medical waste hauler (in this case, MERI)...
What is a Medical Waste Manifest?
A medical waste manifest is a historical document that records the disposal process from cradle to grave. In the world of infectious material, this means recording biohazard waste from the time of collection to its final destruction. Whether a MERI customer receives a...
Use Genesis to Help File WI DNR Annual Infectious Waste Report
If your Wisconsin facility sent out 50 pounds or more of infectious waste during any calendar month, then you'll need to file a WI DNR annual infectious waste report. Fortunately, MERI's Genesis customer portal is a great tool to help our existing customers find the...
Our customers often tell us that, thanks to MERI's Genesis e-manifest system, filing infectious waste reports is simple. Everything from pickup details to pounds of waste processed is downloaded into an excel sheet for quick and easy reference. You can access Genesis...
Genesis E-Manifest Easily Documents Medical Waste Disposal
Disposal companies are finding an easy, eco-friendly solution to tracking their medical waste by using MERI's Genesis e-manifest system. MERI created the Genesis electronic manifest system in 2012. MERI's hospital partners use the Genesis customer portal to...